Let me just start this post off by admitting that I don’t know if the title should be 5 words, 4 words or 3 words. Lauren is asleep already, so I can’t ask her.
The International Society for Technology in Education conference is coming up in a little over 3 weeks. It’s in San Antonio and I’m bringing 5 other teachers from Lincoln Lutheran. They decided that they would rather drive than fly. I didn’t really care, because the cost was the same either way. But this way I get to make a play list.
In my high school classes I will frequently play music from my phone when students are all working on projects. When I do that, each student gets a veto. They can veto any one song that they don’t like each class period. Eventually they ask if they can veto someone else’s veto and I tell them about the great veto war of ought six…
I explain that Lauren teaches preschool and one year they were learning about the ocean (this was before Lauren became crazy). She put blue paper over the florescent lights and purchased a CD of whale song. Whales can sing for a long time. When one of the whale songs came up in class every veto was used and we ended up listening to 30 minutes of whales.
I thought we could do something like that on the road trip. The play list stands at 399 songs right now. 24 hours and 28 minutes. Almost enough to get us there and back (not figuring in 130 vetos). The hardest things about adding to the list now are (a) dragging songs around to get them in a reasonable order and (b) remembering what songs are in the list when I try to add more. With the last batch that I added I had to go back and delete 12 songs that I had forgotten were in the list.
Here’s the playlist. I don’t know if you can see it without a Spotify account. Let me know.
We’re going to Cheyenne this weekend. If the antenna for the satellite radio craps out on us (it’s been acting up) I may switch us over to your playlist. Thanks!!
You should stop by.
The answer is no, you cannot see it without a Spotify account.
Special link, just for you.
That. That is exceptional. (Both, the list just for me, and the list.)
San Antonio is a fantastic place to go for a conference! Good job, ISTE planning committee, for choosing a great location!
That is an AWESOME playlist. Wow. Well done.
A couple of things: great playlist! Now, if I was in the car how many vetos would I get for the trip (roughly)?
I was thinking 1 an hour, so 13 there and 13 back.
Thanks! Given the brief listen sample I played, it seems unlikely I would use all 26 available to me. Obviously can’t speak for the actual riders for said trip, but I would anticipate that they each use a maximum of 13 for the entire trip. Can you provide a post road trip report on the veto outcome?
I will attempt to do so. Recording veto information sounds like an additional duty for whoever is riding shotgun.
I would also accept a ‘we had roughly this many vetoes per hour”
Hey – I know those songs. That surprises me, since I’ always confronted at work by songs the kids listen to that I don’t know.
I know some of them as well and enjoy them. You put some thought and work into it. Hope your trip goes well. I liked San Antonio but it was to far away.