Something has happened to the cats since Cricket’s illness. (She’s doing better, by the way.) We started feeding them Iams instead of their weird mix of bladder-health food, and they switched roles.
In this house, Pfennig has always been fat and stupid pretty, while Cricket has been thinner and meaner. (They have strange dangly pooches on their bellies, but that’s beside the point.) Now, however, Pfennig is scrawny like an old granny and Cricket is hefty, hefty cinch sack. They weigh 7 and 10 pounds, respectively, but at least Cricket isn’t as bad as this. The odd thing is that they eat exactly the same, rationed amount. What’s up with that?
The most interesting part of this whole transformation is that Lloyd is much, much nicer to Pfennig. When she jumps up by him while he’s reading, he snuggles with her. “I don’t like her, I just feel sorry for her,” is his defense.