A while ago when I was trying to fix my back knots, I took a couple of really hot baths. It’s funny, but I don’t really enjoy baths -there’s only so much soaking/reading/staring at the ceiling/pretending you’re a mermaid a person can take. (If there were a t.v. in the bathroom it would be a completely different story.) I also cringe at how much water a regular bath uses.
It would be cool, and more eco-friendly, to have a tiny, deep bathtub like a Japanese soaking tub, but I’m certainly not going to buy one. I was thinking of how to perhaps prototype one out of a Rubbermaid tub or something, then the ol’ meandering brain started to think that a really tall tub that conformed more to a person’s shape would be cool, and use even less water.
The solution? A spacesuit, filled with hot water! Genius, eh? I bet that would just use a gallon or two of water, and I could refill it from a tea kettle!
What’s the web address for the patent office?