iPad presentation smallIt’s late here; it’s been a long day, and Lauren is too tired to write a post. Our Gala dinner and auction fundraiser for Lincoln Lutheran High School was last night and I was in charge of the presentation where we asked our supporters to donate $36,000 to buy iPads for all of the teachers. I was supposed to give a $36,000 presentation, but I only delivered $35,000.
Rather than me bore you to death with details, ask me any question about the evening that you want and I’ll answer it.
Lauren here with some photos. Note, I really needed a flash, so they are mostly blurry.
Lloyd and Curt behind the centerpiece:
Lloyd’s display for the iPad project. We borrowed the display boards from the nice local Apple store.
Charles photobombing:
Bob was the emcee. He said he was a little nervous, but he didn’t look it one bit.
I am sad this didn’t turn out better. Charles and Deborah looked great!
I was curious how the golf-ball-patterned butter balls were made. I asked the wait staff and it turns out they don’t make them on side. They arrive as bags of butter golf balls, to be shaken out onto little plates.
Here’s the presentation: small presentation (PDF ~3Mb) large presentation (PDF ~30Mb)