Woo-hoo! Second big project down! (Not that I have any big projects in the future. I think I’m ready for the sitting around portion of vacation.)
Anyway, I single-handedly installed this vanity top! Well…. maybe not single-handedly. Lloyd was the instigator with his ‘just finish the entryway’ remark, and Annette was with me months ago when I picked out the faucet (on sale, of course), and Brad was there for picking out the sink and being around for technical plumbing advice when I stubbornly insisted on doing it alone, and Beth saved the day when I realized I couldn’t use store-bought countertop – she suggested Dale Grimes, a local countertop-making genius. So, I’d like to share this Beautiful Bathroom Award with all of them….. I’d like to, but I won’t. I’m selfish that way.
Ugly, boring ‘before’:
Much, much better ‘after’.
It even works – for real!
Lloyd’s coming home today! I hope he loves it!