We got new atomic clocks at Lincoln Lutheran this year. Our clock system is older than the High School, and the display was shot, so we couldn’t program it anymore. We were no longer using it to ring the bells for class to start/stop (there’s a neat addon to the phone system that plays any .wav file).
Instead of replacing it with a new clock system, it was decided to put atomic clocks in every classroom. I told them that all of our students had a clock with them at all times now, but you know how administrators love clocks.
Anyway, I asked Doug to put the old clocks in the Tech Center. I originally thought that we would do something more orderly with them. You know, arrange them like you see on the wall of a news room with time zones. But there were no more than two of any style of clock in the whole school. Instead we hung them on the bulletin board. It turns out that I’m pretty good at bulletin boards. Who knew?
Our current plan is to label each with an imaginary location. Any suggestions?