Good grief Lloyd’s been gone a long time. He’s having fun in Missouri now at the annual Sommerer Family Reunion at Heit’s Point. I’m sad to not be there for the music, fun and bacon. (mmmmm…. bacon) I don’t miss the mosquitos, though. If you didn’t catch it last year, here’s the movie we made about the 2007 reunion. Hope you’re having fun, Lloyd, but come home soon.
I missed the giant breakfast.
And the hanging out on the boat. Lloyd was supposed to bring pop – I hope he remembered.
Here are Mom and Dad Sommerer watching the traditional softball game.
Are you thirsty? They must have put Lloyd in charge of spelling.
Lloyd’s cousin Katie said he could have this tie rack if she made it to the website. Anytime, Katie. (Is that Vincent beside you? How’d he get so tall?)
I just have to say, how on earth is Lloyd able to check the internet from his iPhone out in the middle of nowhere, but he doesn’t have a phone signal in our house? Something is wrong with technology.
Of course Lloyd remembered to bring Pop. He’s in the third picture down.
In 2012, The Pesters want to come to the Sommerer reunion. Can we? Our name ends in -er? That’s close enough to be family, right?
Yay for Lloyd & his fun vacation! Yay for large breakfast-es! Yay for well done bacon! Yay for teee & tiiii racks!
Holy cow! How many eggs is that?!?
All of them.
Oh yeah, I had that coming… 😉
What’s up with the ethereal look to all of the pictures? Is that supposed to make us think that Missour-uh is heavenly?
My guess is that Lloyd ‘accidentally’ licked the lens of the camera when it got some KC BBQ sause on it!
This is Charles. I’m the won who misspelled sauce – I have to protect my wife’s (the new kindergarten teacher at Grace Lutheran School) integrity. Ooops (p.s. Deborah – you need to remember to log off of the computer;))
Psst! Charles, you used the wrong “one” when you posted your correction… 😉
I think someone’s been hitting an entirely different kind of sauce.
HA! (This is now the actual Deborah.)
Or is it?
Hey Lauren missed you this year. Just thought you should know Lloyd and ketchup do not get along. Missed the ukulele, I need some time “tiny bubbles”.
Oh, no. He didn’t throw up in the ketchup again, did he? I can’t take him anywhere.
It’s good to be missed! Thanks!
I’ve got lots of hugs that I’ll need to be giving you when my world tour is over. I think I’ve got a few for Brad around here somewhere too.