I have the closet cleaned out now, and I have a computer setup in it. Okay, two computers. Okay, at least two computers. Moving me into a closet ended up costing Lincoln Lutheran 2 new computers, a couple of decent monitors, a really pricey keyboard and mouse, and a fairly expensive KVM switch. But I made my own Ethernet cables to help keep the total cost down.
It’s not so bad as long as I keep the door open. And an unforeseen benefit to living in a closet is that there is no phone. I get a little more work done because it is harder for people to get ahold of me.
Which leads me to the point of the thing. A few years ago I put one of those sign plaque thingies on the door and got a few signs to swap out. No one ever knew what was in this closet, so I had a few funny signs made that I would swap out seasonally. Over the years I’ve lost a few of them, and, more to the point, I’ve run out of ideas for new signs.
So I’m fishing for ideas. Obviously, the geekier the better, but I’m not proud. I’ll steal any idea. A former student stopped by few days ago, thought it was funny that they stuffed me in a closet and offered a few of his own:
- The Bat Cave
- Number 12, Grimmauld Place
- The Holodeck
So, there you have it. Help make my closet more homey (funny signs are like geek curtains).
@_@ that is the coolest idea ever! ; )
Hair Club for Men
You can’t get locked in there, can you? You should disable the lock, if there is one. Some angry, former student/parent could do some real damage while you were just enjoying a little computer time.
Here’s a few to get you started:
1. Sie Ming’s Hall of Wonder
2. The Nexus
3. Crossroads of the Universe
4. Lloyd’s Magic Factory
5. Binary Place
6. Solution Central
7. Escape Hatch #6
8. Holy of Holies
9. Code Cube
10. The Great Closet of Computer Science
11. Knock Before Computing
12. Gateway to EVERYTHING
13. Knowledge Vortex
14. Brain Closet
15. Transporter Room
16. The Virtual Kingdom
17. Small is Relative
18. C’mon In – The Weather’s Predictable
19. Enter by choice – Leave by chance
20. Back in 5 minutes – Maybe
21. Answer Chamber
22. Room 3.14159 …Mmmm Pi!
23. No Soliciting… Unless it’s REALLY good!
24. Buck’s Bar
25. What Do You Want?!
26. Beware of Mouse!
27. Sommerer Place…where “impossible” comes to die.
28. Do You Smell Smoke?
29. Open In Case Of Confusion
30. Geeks Anonymous
I especially like #5 and #8.
Wow! You have missed your calling, sir. Advertising is your true passion, isn’t it? 🙂
(I had to search for that one!)
Dang…Charles took all of mine! (Nice job Charles!)
Rock, Paper, Scissors, Spock
Looking at Charles #5, I wonder if there’s anything I can do with the room number for the Mac Lab (or, as I like to think of it, my foyer).
The Mac Lab is room 102. Maybe I could be 102.5 FM
Ok, I’ll play, too.
Broom Closet
Psychiatric Help – 5 Cents
Police Box (I’d really like you to paint the door to look like a TARDIS.)
I’ll think of more later.
The Illiad
The Odessey
Fun Palace
The Black Hole (I want to name my office this)
The Trench
CIA Remote Office (then switch it with…)
CYA Remote Office (see if anyone picks up on the difference)
Star Chamber
Visiting Rigel IV, BRB
Call for Appointment (especially good for when your door is shut)
The Doctor is IN
The Doctor is OUT
Teaching my mat…um…BRB
(in tiny, tiny letters) I must scream into the world my exitement from the top of someplace very high!
Minions Only
Half-Strength, please.
iLloyd Charging
The answer is No.
Have you tried restarting?
Nexus of the Universe (combine #2 & #3 from Charles)
Send me an email
I like Mark’s “call for appointment” especially since you don’t have a phone! HA!
Arron thought you should have a “Men’s Room” sign. And a stack of magazines sitting outside the door. Don’t forget to grab a magazine before you go into the office. 😉
That comment was here before, wasn’t it? (and also super-funny!)
It was. It was lost in Lloyd’s wordpress upgrade. I forgot to repost it for Arron until last night.