This was a big experiment. I (1)wanted to see if the video on my phone was good enough that I could reliably use it when things needed to be taped. I (2)needed to learn to use the latest version of iMovie.
About 4 years ago Apple completely rewrote their video editing program that comes with every Macintosh. They rewrote it and cut out about 50% of the features. Everyone was upset about it, and so they made the old version available as a download.
I’ve been using that old version at school for Multimedia Application and Video Editing, two of the classes that I teach. Every year they add back some of the features from the old program, and this last semester some of my students wanted to use their own laptops for their video projects. Nothing wrong with that, except that Apple no longer allows downloads of the old software, so they had to use the new software.
And they liked it. They told me I should try it. The annual Sommerer family ball game seemed like my chance:
My verdict? It’s good enough to use now, but I don’t really like it. Lots of features are hidden and the layout does not seem as intuitive to me. But it is easy to make a nice video.
P.S. If you are related to me, you should post comments on the Sommerer Family Website.
LOVE it!!
If you want to read my reply you’ll have to go to the Sommerer Famnily Website. 🙂
The switching effect between clips is very cool.
And thank you for another song stuck in my head. Maybe you should make “Earworm” another category on your website.
Lloyd, that is amazing!!! I love it too…and using a photo album & ‘still’ picture frames is GENIUS!!
I especially love the little softball player in his underwear…too funny!
Well, it’s really easy to come up with something that looks nice with iMovie. Here are the steps:
1) Get plenty of footage
2) Pull out just the good bits
3) Put it in an order that makes sense and isn’t tedious
4a) Do lots of tedious work –or–
4b) Choose one of the iMovie presets and do a little clean up
I liked to call that guy ‘Captain Underpants’. (The kid – not Lloyd.)
LOVED the video! and I don’t know a single one in the group, but it looks like a great family.
In the top picture, I am sure everyone is looking at the baby walk, but I like to think everyone is watching the girl getting swatted in the back of the head.
Oh by the way, nice video Lloyd.
Slow dial up loved what I saw. Show me on your computer sometime.