I’ve done a few other posts on the number of comments that people have made, but it’s been over a year since the last one. Lets see where things stand now. This is not a complete total; just the posts since the last summation (which happened on January 2, 2011)…
Name | Comments | Position | (Change) |
Peggy | 962 | 1 | (same) |
Brad | 937 | 2 | (same) |
Lauren | 787 | 3 | (same) |
Kristi | 495 | 4 | (+1) |
Lloyd | 443 | 5 | (-1) |
Gretchen | 268 | 6 | (+13) |
Beth | 207 | 7 | (-1) |
Deborah | 205 | 8 | (+3) |
Lauren’s mom | 130 | 9 | (+8) |
Lauren’s Dad | 117 | 10 | (+4) |
Karla | 93 | 11 | (-4) |
Curt | 81 | 13 | (-5) |
Jane Sommerer | 81 | 13 | (+7) |
Mark | 77 | 14 | (+2) |
Mary Ellen | 72 | 15 | (+66) |
Kris | 67 | 16 | (new) |
Jill | 65 | 18 | (+4) |
Michelle | 65 | 18 | (+8) |
Christina | 63 | 19 | (-7) |
Amy | 49 | 20 | (-5) |
Tammy | 33 | 21 | (new) |
CousinSam | 25 | 22 | (+2) |
Kitt | 24 | 23 | (+2) |
Annette | 21 | 24 | (-6) |
Quiana | 20 | 25 | (+4) |
Keren | 18 | 27 | (-14) |
Ribs | 18 | 27 | (+11) |
Matt Haden | 17 | 28 | (new) |
bekahcubed | 16 | 32 | (-5) |
Deanne | 16 | 32 | (-23) |
John and Kate Brady | 16 | 32 | (new) |
thetruthisoutthere | 16 | 32 | (new) |
Fran | 14 | 35 | (new) |
Nigel | 14 | 35 | (-5) |
Rachel Sommerer | 14 | 35 | (-25) |
Richard | 13 | 36 | (new) |
RON ROYUK | 12 | 37 | (new) |
Jill J | 11 | 38 | (+21) |
I suggest these | 10 | 40 | (new) |
Kim Marxhausen | 10 | 40 | (+41) |
Allison | 8 | 43 | (+16) |
flash from the past | 8 | 43 | (new) |
Marisa | 8 | 43 | (-10) |
morningside | 7 | 46 | (new) |
Stephanie | 7 | 46 | (new) |
Tamara | 7 | 46 | (-10) |
Gman | 6 | 48 | (new) |
Samuel | 6 | 56 | (new) |
Acealot | 5 | 56 | (new) |
Adriane | 5 | 56 | (new) |
Amused Lurker | 5 | 56 | (new) |
Brady G. | 5 | 56 | (-27) |
Jaro | 5 | 56 | (new) |
Karen M | 5 | 56 | (new) |
Rachel S | 5 | 56 | (new) |
Steve Lokie | 5 | 56 | (-22) |
kathryn | 4 | 58 | (new) |
Mrs. B | 4 | 58 | (new) |
Aunt Lolly | 3 | 73 | (new) |
bert | 3 | 73 | (new) |
Christine | 3 | 73 | (new) |
Elizabeth | 3 | 73 | (-36) |
Heather | 3 | 73 | (new) |
Jake Jones | 3 | 73 | (new) |
JuneBug747 | 3 | 73 | (new) |
Kelley | 3 | 73 | (new) |
Kristin T. | 3 | 73 | (new) |
Maggie | 3 | 73 | (new) |
MEB | 3 | 73 | (new) |
Nicola | 3 | 73 | (new) |
Roberta | 3 | 73 | (new) |
Stephannie | 3 | 73 | (new) |
Tom Triumph | 3 | 73 | (new) |
Anita B | 2 | 100 | (new) |
another sue | 2 | 100 | (-54) |
Becky | 2 | 100 | (new) |
Britney | 2 | 100 | (new) |
Caroline Fowler | 2 | 100 | (-41) |
Charles | 2 | 100 | (-77) |
Heather | 2 | 100 | (new) |
Heather | 2 | 100 | (new) |
John R. | 2 | 100 | (new) |
Katie | 2 | 100 | (new) |
KDF | 2 | 100 | (new) |
Kim | 2 | 100 | (new) |
Kurt Knecht | 2 | 100 | (new) |
Laura Burns | 2 | 100 | (new) |
Laurie | 2 | 100 | (new) |
leoglenn | 2 | 100 | (new) |
Maggie | 2 | 100 | (new) |
MJ | 2 | 100 | (-54) |
Nick Nightngale | 2 | 100 | (new) |
Paul Marxhausen | 2 | 100 | (new) |
Peggy | 2 | 100 | (new) |
Rachel | 2 | 100 | (new) |
Renske | 2 | 100 | (-79) |
Shelley | 2 | 100 | (new) |
Sherri | 2 | 100 | (new) |
Todd Peperkorn | 2 | 100 | (-54) |
UT IT Dept | 2 | 100 | (new) |
176 people | 1 | 276 | (hard to say) |

Well, I’m the first one today. Does that count for something?
I think that’s worth 2 bonus points.
Geez, I don’t think I’ve ever come in 1st place before in anything…..well, unless you count being the winner of the “Who’s the Whitest” at the end of summer contest.
Snort. I love you, Peggy. 🙂
Oh no! My ranking is dropping. Must leave more comments! 🙂
I’m glad to be on the list, even though I’m not that prolific a commenter. I still read daily and enjoy what I read.
Your comments are too well thought out and well written. You should just say everything that comes to mind.
*Smack* That’s my problem.
I should just stop thinking.
Don’t worry, I’m making my way there. It seems I think less with every year that passes 🙂
Read daily, laugh lots.
Must do!
You cracked the top 20. That’s when the commenting gets serious.
I don’t know if having a high ranking is a compliment. It means that I have truly been wasting a lot of my time here. However, I must say that it is time well-spent.
Carry on, Sommerers, carry on.
Well, you have to waste your time somewhere, right?
Peggy and I are both approaching 1000 comments. Do we get an imaginary prize when we break into four digits?
I’m guessing it’s some sort of plugin that lets you view comment counts and make this chart?
Keep in mind that those numbers are not a real total. That’s just the number of comments since the last time I counted up comments.
There might be a plug in that does stuff like that. I went to [and from here on out it’s going to get a little geeky, so you might want to hold on to something or just skip ahead to the end] cpanel and fired up PHPMyAdmin and exported the comments table as a .csv file. Downloaded the file and opened it in Excel, sorted the table by email address then ip address and threw out anything that looked like it didn’t belong. combined username with email address to make sorting easier, threw the whole thing into a pivot table to get some totals (there are probably better ways to do that). Then went through and compared current rankings to the last time (by hand, because I didn’t think that I would want to do this again the last time I did it). Then exported it back to a .csv file and pasted that into a website that turned .csv files into html tables and pasted that into the post.]
It took about two and a half hours, and I wanted to go to bed early. Oh well, at least we have useless comment stats now.
I am not sure I can make the jump into the top 5. There is a big break in comment numbers there.
I would like to see some graphical representation though. Pie chart? Bar graph? Or just some pie or an ice cream bar?
Mmm… I love ice cream bars. I keep saying that some day I’m going to buy a box of them and eat them all for dinner, but I keep chickening out.
No… wait… I meant ice cream sandwiches. Mmm… ice cream sandwiches…
I’m glad you clarified. I’m on board with the ice cream sandwiches, but not the bars.
Woo Hoo! I made the list! I am here nearly everyday, I lurk. I am a lurker!
Made it with an impressive 21 point leap.