With Lauren gone, I have to find some way to fill the time that would normally be spent getting up from wherever I’m sitting and going to look at whatever cute thing the cat(s) are doing. yesterday I finally edited some footage from last years family reunion that I took with my phone.
Sometimes we sing songs late at night, and that’s where the audio came from. But I recorded it with my phone, so it doesn’t sound nearly as good as it does at 11:00 at night when you’re really exhausted after a hard day of reunioning.
Well done, Lloyd!
That’s really nice Lloyd!
And you had pogo-sticking at the reunion? I used to love doing that when I was a kid. And believe it or not….I could do it for a looonnnnggg time! I don’t know what happened to the coordination I used to have.
I just kept thinking: “That’s a lot of black olives.”
It’s a lot of everything.
That was when it was so dang hot last year, as you can tell by Gracen’s super-pink face. Thank goodness this year was so much cooler?,
Thank you Lloyd, that was beautiful! I love it.