Beth and Tim came over yesterday. Beth dropped off a present for Lauren earlier in the day and stopped by to see it in action. But that’s a story for another time.
While the girls were trying it out, it was making a sound like this: tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick. Tim and I started dancing to the driving techno beat.
That reminded me of the last time I saw Tim dancing to a driving techno beat. So I felt like I had to share.
Unfortunately, he isn’t dancing to Russell Mosemann’s driving techno beat anymore. I couldn’t get Russ’ tunes to play automatically, so I had to punt. But if you can still listen to it.
Note: well, it looks like the audio doesn’t autoplay in all browsers. If you are using Safari or Firefox, you’ll probably have to click play. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Welcome back Lloyd!
And Russel writes techno music? What?!
Ha! I clicked on the second link first, so I was confused. The first link is the one. Love those dancing Royuks! 😀
Lloyd, is it really you???????
Russ, Russ, baby!!!
(Fun music, Russ.)