While Lauren has been busy with home visits, I’ve been spending every waking hour at School getting computer things working and putting 3 classrooms in order. Well, that’s not entirely true. I’ve actually been spending a fair amount of time each day eating too.
At the start of the busy season, Lauren and I stocked up on things we could just heat up and eat. But I haven’t eaten many of mine. It’s been one, “Lets go out to eat!” after another amongst Lincoln Lutheran faculty. My latest conquest: RibFest. I don’t know how I’ve been in (well, near) Lincoln for 18 years without going to a RibFest. We went for lunch, because there is no cover charge until evening.
They have people who cook ribs come and cook ribs and other people come and eat the ribs. It’s a very simple concept. Samith invited me to go with him and Joel invited me to go with him, so I went with both of them. It was like on that one sitcom where the main character is on a date with two people at the same time and almost, but not quite manages to pull it off.
I almost pulled it off, but they were sitting on either side of me. In fact, they got the ribs from the places on either side of me too. I went to The Texas Rib Ranch’s stand. Samith went left to some place from Kentucky and Joel went to the right to some outfit from Australia.
I was happily eating some of the best ribs I had ever tasted, until I tried Samith’s, actually Ian’s, Samith’s son’s*, ribs. They were better than mine. Then I tried Joel’s. They were even better. It turned out I had the worst ribs at RibFest. Well, maybe not, there were a half dozen other rib places.
Still, I felt robbed. No, I felt full. I thought about ordering a whole rack, but the half rack was enough for me. I highly recommend RibFest. It was Festive and there were Ribs.
*Not entirely sure if that is punctuated correctly.