by Lloyd 2 Comments
by Lloyd 5 Comments
While Lauren has been busy with home visits, I’ve been spending every waking hour at School getting computer things working and putting 3 classrooms in order. Well, that’s not entirely true. I’ve actually been spending a fair amount of time each day eating too.
At the start of the busy season, Lauren and I stocked up on things we could just heat up and eat. But I haven’t eaten many of mine. It’s been one, “Lets go out to eat!” after another amongst Lincoln Lutheran faculty. My latest conquest: RibFest. I don’t know how I’ve been in (well, near) Lincoln for 18 years without going to a RibFest. We went for lunch, because there is no cover charge until evening.
They have people who cook ribs come and cook ribs and other people come and eat the ribs. It’s a very simple concept. Samith invited me to go with him and Joel invited me to go with him, so I went with both of them. It was like on that one sitcom where the main character is on a date with two people at the same time and almost, but not quite manages to pull it off.
I almost pulled it off, but they were sitting on either side of me. In fact, they got the ribs from the places on either side of me too. I went to The Texas Rib Ranch’s stand. Samith went left to some place from Kentucky and Joel went to the right to some outfit from Australia.
I was happily eating some of the best ribs I had ever tasted, until I tried Samith’s, actually Ian’s, Samith’s son’s*, ribs. They were better than mine. Then I tried Joel’s. They were even better. It turned out I had the worst ribs at RibFest. Well, maybe not, there were a half dozen other rib places.
Still, I felt robbed. No, I felt full. I thought about ordering a whole rack, but the half rack was enough for me. I highly recommend RibFest. It was Festive and there were Ribs.
*Not entirely sure if that is punctuated correctly.
So, the answer to yesterday’s puzzle was that it was an extension cord that had been all looped like a piece of crocheted yarn. It keeps it from getting tangled, and eliminates the coiling that comes from winding it around your forearm. Lloyd saw that one at school and took the picture, and I had to explain it to him by looping some string. Quite the story, huh? Our evenings are always wild like that.
Today (Sunday) Lloyd had choir practice in Lincoln, and I had some things to do. I was having a Quiet Weekend, and it’s easy to be quiet while window shopping. One of the places I wanted to visit was Aldi’s, a super-cheap grocery store where they just put pallets of things out in the aisles. Lloyd’s parents are always shopping at the one in Jefferson City, and I wanted to check it out in Lincoln.
Sure enough, it had pallets of food, still in their boxes, and a very limited selection. I wanted to take a picture but I worried that they might think I was shoplifting. After buying milk, honey and basil, I took a picture of the outside of the store.
Um, it’s an ‘Alps’.
by Lloyd 17 Comments
I didn’t have to go to work on Wednesday. We had an “all school test day” and, since I had already taken all of the test, I got to stay at home and work on the school website. It was all highly geeky, and I got a lot of little things done.
We had some really fairly terrible pictures of the faculty on our faculty biography page. They had been on the site for about 9 months. A student took them just a few days before we switched over to the new website last year, and no one had ever gotten around to taking better pictures. Well, I went around on Tuesday and tried to take everyone’s picture, but all I had was the camera on my phone.
It turns out that I have just the right kind of jitter (or maybe scratched lens) to give everyone that “soft lighting” effect. You could also call it, um, blurry. But it turns out that some of us look better blurry, so it’s all good.
Anyway, the new pictures were up for less than a day before one of my students (an especially clever chap) sent me an updated photo of Nathan Bassett (with whom some of you went to college).