Friday was the last day of middle school. Here’s the schedule:
08:00 take attendance
08:05 awards ceremony
09:05 Secondhand Lions
11:00 lunch/access
12:00 closing devotions
12:30 skatezone
In practice, it was a little different. We had about twice as many parents as usual for the awards. I think it’s because we have never had them at the start of the day before, so that was a good idea. We had the parents sit above the students on the bleachers for better heckling. Our teachers didn’t have their act together, so we didn’t get started until 8:15. Oh well.
For the movie I put the two 12 foot screens together. I’ve tried that in the past, but finally got it down for this one. It’s a lot bigger than it looks in the picture. They seemed to like the movie, but it took a while for them to get into it. They were cheering and clapping at the end.
Our choir director helpfully took down all of the AV stuff, so I had to race to get everything put back together for the closing devotions. And there was a big transportation snafu, but we all made it, and I had “music videos” of the 7th and 8th graders to show while they waited for the bus.
We managed to skate without incident this year (last year: concussion, broken arm, dislocated knee), and the owner of the skating rink said that we had the best group of kids that he’d ever had at the rink. He said that right before I skated off to “pre-break-up” a fight.