So, there was this wasp in my classroom two days ago. I think it snuck in through the air conditioner (that’s how I’d sneak in). I didn’t think much about it. I figured it would fly around awhile then leave.
Well yesterday it (or a very similar looking wasp) was still there. I saw it land on my monitor and I said, “Hello, wasp.” A few minutes later I leaned back in my chair, but the wasp was thinking the same thing. Well, before I could sting it, it stang me.
There were students in the room, so I didn’t say the first 12 things that popped into my mind. Instead, I said, “Did you guys see that wasp that was flying around in here?” After a few students had affirmed the existence of the wasp I followed up with, “Well it just stung me, and it really hurts. I mean ouch, wow. So if I pass out, someone write a pass for someone to go to the office to tell someone.”