Let’s share morning routines, shall we? It will be less work for me, more fun for you! Trust me.
Wake-up time:
First thing you do:
Shower before or after breakfast?
Average time in shower?
Toothpaste flavor:
Hair routine:
I’ll start: (That will keep the above copy-and-paste-able)
Wake-up time: 5:15
First thing you do: Put on my glasses, which is funny because I wear them for three minutes and then take them off again.
Shower before or after breakfast? Before
Shampoo? J.R. Liggett’s herbal bar shampoo
Conditioner? Pantene
Soap? Dove – the white kind
Average time in shower? 10 minutes (the water’s off & on, though)
Toothpaste flavor: Tom’s mint something, paste – not gel
Hair routine: towel, let sit while I eat & check the web, hair dryer, two squirts of hairspray, then sigh that it doesn’t look better.
Breakfast? Cereal – generic Honey Nut Cheerios (from the giant bag).