You might remember a few months ago that I sort of dropped my iPhone a little. I wasn’t worried, because I had purchased insurance for it. But I wasn’t in any hurry to be without it for a couple of weeks and the deductable was $50.00, so I just lived with it.
I really wanted to get a wooden back. Lauren even thought it would be cool, so I looked for a place that I could order one. Unfortunately, the one place I found a nice walnut back didn’t ship to our zip-code (I know, what’s up with that?).
I did find a nice one for $16.38. It took all of three days to make it to our zip-code. It came with instructions and a screwdriver. It was easy to take the back off, and I looked around a bit.
But what is that stuff around the camera?
This calls for a closer look. Note: this is the first time that I have been glad that Lauren likes to have a microscope around the house.
There were lots of little hairs, and they were only present around the camera assembly. I wondered for a bit if they were Steve Jobs’ hairs that were put into iPhones so that he could one day be cloned, but decided they were not quite the right color.
So I got out a little brush and a tweezer and began the removal process.
Once the hair was removed, it was quite easy to put the new back on.
Tomorrow I’ll be convincing 7th graders that I’m testing a prototype for the new iPhone5 for Apple.