Ah, the signs of summer – sweet corn being sold out of the back of pick-up trucks, children running through the sprinklers, and the smell of grass…. growing in the streets.
Yeah, we have brick streets. Just four of them, though.
Ah, the signs of summer – sweet corn being sold out of the back of pick-up trucks, children running through the sprinklers, and the smell of grass…. growing in the streets.
Yeah, we have brick streets. Just four of them, though.
by Lloyd 12 Comments
The problem with Letters to the Editor in Seward is that a certain percentage of the people who write them are clearly crazy. So, if you write a letter to the editor, you risk proving one way or the other if you are. A few weeks ago I came home to find my beloved Ron Paul sign thrown into the neighbor’s yard. It was a little bit of a bother to get it back into the ground (everything was frozen solid) but with a hammer and an ice-pick I managed well enough. Again the next day. Again the next. I was a little bit ticked off, but also quite glad. This gave me the perfect opportunity to see if I was crazy.
It was like it was meant to be. I wrote it up and checked the number of words. 500, exactly the maximum number for letters to the editor.
by Lauren 5 Comments
There’s a tiny little town a few miles north of here called Bee. It has two main claims to fame. The first is that in 2004 Paul Perry bicycled from A, Norway to Bee, Nebraska.  (‘From A to B’ – you can read about it here. Brad, Beth and I went to see his arrival.) The second is that every Friday the little bar in town serves a fish plate. People from all over love to go to Bee for fish. (Say it fast.) You big city folks would just pee your pants to eat in this place. The food is great, but the decor is astonishing. From the Christmas lights up year-round to the carpeting on the walls, it’s just a sight to see. We had the honor of sitting by the furnace room/janitor’s closet, that had no walls. Yes, that’s one of our chairs in the picture. We’re that close.
by Lloyd 10 Comments
Beth Marshall said we should upload pictures for our High School Reunion Site to Flicker. It’s a good way to share photos, because they are easy to upload and search, and you can comment on the pictures that everyone puts there. Neat stuff.
Well, I found some pictures of Seward sitting on our hard drive today, and I thought I would put them on Flickr too. While I was doing that I noticed that you could also say where the photos were taken, and after that I wondered if anyone else had uploaded pictures from Seward…
(Click on the picture to go to the live map)
Those of you in Seward should, of course, upload your own pictures.
by Lloyd 3 Comments
I didn’t actually take any pictures that turned out this nicely (I only had my phone). But I took a lot of pictures, and these are each several of those combined.
P.S. There are a couple of photos added below, and for some other great shots – go to Brad’s site.
by Lloyd 12 Comments