Apparently the city is widening Highway 15 through town so that the semis that cruise through will have a bit more room. (Something like that. I found about about it through a Facebook post. I am not a Responsible Citizen.) The first step is to CHOP DOWN TREES along the road. Ugh. That pains my soul.
I knew about Highway 15/6th Street, but when I walked home from work last week, I was on my street – 7th Street – and there were trees chopped down! What?!?!
The man who owns the house was grilling outside, so we talked for a bit. The cross road (Park Avenue) has storm drains below that lead to a ditch just after 8th street. The pipes aren’t big enough to handle big storms and that low area floods during heavy rains. The People In Charge said that Seward can’t widen 6th Street until they figure out the drainage problem. So, Park Avenue is going to get torn out, new giant storm sewer pipes will go in, and then the road will be replaced.
Ugh. The trees…….

Green: Park Avenue The photo didn’t load correctly. 7th Street cuts through Park.