Soooo helpful.
Happy birthday to me!
I’m now 43!
I’m fi-nal-ly pri-ime,
No Dividin’ for me!
And now, a post about the kittens who vex me, yet I love them:
They are just so very helpful. They like to sweep,
and dust,
and help decorate the tree.
What am I doing to that tree? Well, thanks to the adorable vandals, we can’t actually have any decorations out. I needed a little Christmas (right this very minute), so I put up a tiny tree behind the door in the living room corner, but with no tempting ornaments. A couple of weeks later, this happened:
Back to the cats, they also like to take my things. All kinds of things, like ….. Halloween decorations? That stuff is put away, so how is that even possible?
Saturday Service
Grrrr. I am having trouble uploading video on my regular computer, and I am tired of working on it for today. Here is the iPad recording – the one with balcony railings showing, but the sound might be the best. I’ll work on the other ones tomorrow.
I am typing this on my iPad at 3:45 a.m. Lloyd and I fell asleep on the sofa around 7, and I woke up to cats running around me at 3. That’s a full 8 hours, I guess, so we’re good. I am up in bed now and have banished the animals to the first floor. It’s raining (thank you, God!), so maybe that’s what’s freaking them out.
Tonight my kids sing at church, and then we are having some snacks afterward. I have things I need to do – certainly not a whole day’s worth, but I’ll be agitated the whole day because there is Something Going On later.
Ok, trying to go back to sleep. What are you doing today?
My turn
Blah. I got Lloyd’s barfing germs. Rough night. Rough day.
It was soooooo much barf.
I hope you’ve finished your breakfast already. This is gonna get graphic.
I can’t remember the last time Lloyd has had a stomach sickness. Usually he gets things like sore throats or head colds that go on for years. Barfing is exceptionally rare. Well, he must have passed something other than the peace at church Sunday morning, because Sunday night he was a mess.
At dinner he said his stomach hurt, but I was serving him Mystery Soup, so I was pretty sure it was just a ploy to get out of eating it. He ate a few grapes and conked out on the sofa. Around 9:30 he got up to head to the bathroom and said, “I’m going to throw up”, but he didn’t. I sent him up to bed with a cooking pot with a little water in it. I don’t know what the water is for, but when I was a kid that’s what my mom did when I felt nauseous, so I’m not messing with tradition.
I immediately had to pour the water out, remembering that I live with idiot bathtub-water-drinkers.
Around 10:30 Lloyd was moving restlessly and breathing funny. He got up, went in the bathroom and
He doesn’t like comforting when he’s sick, so when I heard the first hurl I went to the kitchen to get a glass of water for him. I stood outside the bathroom door until he was done then quietly said, “I have a glass of water for you.”
“Yeah,” he answered weakly, “and a washcloth please.”
It was soooooooooooo gross. I will refrain from telling you the details, well….. any more details, but trust me – it was gross. All I can say is, good thing he shaved most of that beard off.
He stayed home Monday and slept all day on the couch. I had to devise a system to keep the water-drinkin’, glass-knockin’, straw-stealers away from his H20: