I’ve been getting bored with the old theme, and there were some things that it just wouldn’t do well, so for about the last week I’ve been looking for something that I like better. Some of you have caught me messing around in the evening. I thought I would be safe because Lauren said that no one reads the site after 6:00pm. I guess people just don’t write any comments after 6:00pm.
Say goodbye to the Thoughts v2.0 theme. We’ve had some good times together, but you were getting a little old and dated looking, and I wanted something hot new and fresh.
The new theme won’t have all of the sidebar features until I figure out what the h e double hockey sticks is going on with the sidebar anyway. Feel free to look around, but if something doesn’t work, it’s because some things don’t work yet (it really wasn’t working to try to get things working first behind the scenes).
But before you go all clicking around, let us each take a moment to recall our fond memories of old Thoughts v2.0. She was a fine theme, and I’m sure we’ll all miss her.