Here it is, Monday night, and another post needs writing. It hasn’t been the best of days. I won’t go into it all and I don’t really need cheering up, I’m just not in a good place to try and write something chipper. How about you tell me something you are looking forward to today? Doesn’t have have to be anything great, just a little bright spot up ahead. For instance, I believe I might be having bacon as part of my lunch. That’ll be good.
Archives for February 2010
A medium mystery
First of all, let me apologize for the blurry photos. My camera battery was about to die so I just snapped some quick pictures before putting it on the charger.
Ok, on to the mystery. Lloyd and I have had the same set of pots and pans for our whole marriage. (Thank you, Mark.) When we moved into this house I marked where they should go on the pull-out shelf so Lloyd could put them away when we emptied the dishwasher.
Slowly, they are disappearing.
I know what happened to the little pot. Many years ago I started to make some rice in it, remembered that I needed some ingredients for the rest of dinner, went to the store (you see where this is going), and came back to a smoke-filled house because the water in the little pot (that I had stupidly left on the stove) had boiled away and the pot was beginning to burn. Trashed.
But ever since we got the new stove, I can’t find the middle pot. Where is it? I’ve actually looked for it but have no idea. Lloyd thinks it’s probably at my school, since that’s where most of our stuff ends up, but I don’t think so.
Where are you, middle one? Are you ok?
It’s only a flesh wound….
So, I talked to Brad on the phone yesterday while making dinner, and I’m pleased to say that I was able to make stoneless Stone Soup using only my phoneless hand. I could totally survive having my arm being vaporized or bitten off by a dragon or gnawed off by rats. (I’m going for less realistic ways of not having an arm, lest self-fulling prophesy kick in. Just saying ‘broken’ is too scary.)
We made Stone Soup at preschool a couple of times this week. Let me share the recipe: Boil water and a stone, add chopped up veggies (little kids use a dough blade for chopping), a couple of spoonfuls of Better Than Bullion, and a bunch of alphabet noodles.
Eat. Avoid the stone.
A shrine?
This little sculpture appeared briefly at the end of one of the hallways at Lincoln Lutheran. It was only there for a few days before disappearing. I don’t know who put it there, or who removed it, but it was strangely touching.
And that’s all I have to say about that.
Ring Fail
Brad is Mr. Sparkle Cartel, as you know, and I’ve been dying to buy something from there. Lloyd surprised me quite a lot by saying that he thought the dark tungsten rings were pretty cool, and he wouldn’t be opposed to buying one. He would wear it instead of his wedding ring, so I’d have to get one, too. (Woo-hoo! That doesn’t invalidate our marriage, does it?)
Sparkle Cartel is a ‘we have one thing right now in limited supply so hop to it and buy one before it’s gone’ kinda place, so when Lloyd said he liked this style of ring, I had purchased two before he finished speaking. A size 7 and a size 9. Select! Add to cart! Check out now! Confirm my order! Pay! Done!
(then read – ‘Comfort fit bands tend to run 1/2 size large, therefore we recommend ordering a 1/2 size smaller than your regular ring size.’) (Dang.) (Double Dang.)
They are too big. In fact, I’m not actually sure what my ring size is, so this was a major goof.
To make matters worse, before I got home Lloyd checked the website and they had the ring that he really wants.
We will not be buying it.
Triple Dang.
To Flix or net to Flix?
Well, it’s been about a year that we’ve had NetFlix. It started because Lauren found out that she could watch movies on her computer. She happily did that for maybe a month before I wondered why she didn’t get any DVDs. It turns out that she wasn’t interested in getting any DVDs, so I’ve had the NetFlix queue mostly to myself for the better part of a year.
I like movies, and there are a fair number that I always meant to see, but I never did. Now if someone mentions a movie they like, or I see a reference to one that sounds interesting I just add it to the list (there’s an app for that). My list is about 12 movies long, so it’s about 3 months later that they send me that movie. It’s always a surprise when it arrives. Their turn-around time is amazing. If I put a movie in the mail on Thursday I get a new movie on Saturday.
But there are some drawbacks. Since we started we’ve rented 36 movies and spent about $99.00 doing so. Roughly $2.75 a movie. Much cheaper than going to a movie, but maybe not worth it if you compare it to renting movies in Seward (which costs around $2.00). Except we never do.
The other big downer is that I always feel like I should watch the movie right away to that I’m getting my money’s worth. There are no late fees, but if I sit on it too long then I feel like I’m wasting my $8.99 per month.
There are currently 14 movies in the queue, and I don’t know if I’ll keep going after that. Lauren doesn’t use it much on her computer anymore, and my dad is retired from the Post Office, so I don’t have to worry about covering his paycheck.
There’s a neat NetFlix feature where you can see what your friends are watching. So far Kristi is my only friend. If you have NetFlix, will you be my friend?