They did it again. Shame on you, Wal*Mart. Shame, shame, shame. (finger waggle)
Well, looking back on the whole thing – shame on me. I know that they are not completely forthright with their ‘deals’. Lloyd said he was almost out of soap, so I stopped in to buy some. We usually buy the 8-bar pack for $4-something, but right beside it was a 7-bar pack for $3-something! I got out my phone, spent three minutes trying to find the calculator function, then another three trying to remember which number to divide into the other one (math is hard), and then triumphantly deduced that I would be paying 42 cents a bar for the 7-pack, but a whopping 55 cents for the 8-pack. Pleased with my real-life word problem success, I took it home.
Um, I am an idiot.
These are tiny little bars!!!! 3.2 ounces as opposed to the 4.5 ounces in the 8-pack!! Grrrrrrrr….. I spent more on my ‘deal’. (14 cents an ounce as opposed to 11.)
Drat those evil masterminds at Wal*Mart and their unethical math wizardry. I’ll be returning my soap.