It’s been a while since I looked up the number of comments. I can’t remember how long, and I can’t find it by searching for “comments”. So rather than spend more time on it, I just gave up.
Lauren | 613 |
Peggy | 553 |
Brad | 501 |
Beth | 392 |
Lloyd | 390 |
karla | 240 |
Annette | 202 |
Deanne | 158 |
Michele | 136 |
Kristi | 114 |
Deborah | 74 |
Christina | 60 |
Lauren’s dad | 47 |
Mark | 44 |
Cousin Sam | 41 |
Lloyd’s Mom | 33 |
Jill | 31 |
Lauren’s mom | 30 |
Rae, formerly known as Rachel | 22 |
Stephannie | 14 |
Julie Baker | 10 |
Aunt Lolly | 9 |
Curt | 7 |
Aunt Marcy | 6 |
Kim (Brad’s School Neighbor) | 6 |
Charles | 4 |
Hartland (Clubb) | 3 |
Vincent Sommerer | 3 |
Aaron (Lloyd’s Brother) | 2 |
Anonymous | 2 |
Aunt Ruth | 2 |
Bobbie | 2 |
Brad’s former friend, Lauren | 2 |
cricket | 2 |
Erin Thomas | 2 |
Jeff Hertzberg | 2 |
John | 2 |
Karla Buesing-used-to-be | 2 |
Laura Numeroff | 2 |
marta | 2 |
Rachel Pozehl | 2 |
Richard Bartle | 2 |
Simon | 2 |
Tara | 2 |
Todd Peperkorn | 2 |
7th Street Squirrel | 1 |
Aaron Clubb | 1 |
anti-Lauren | 1 |
Ashley | 1 |
Bat | 1 |
Beth Marshall | 1 |
Browserspiel | 1 |
Annette (Cleanie) | 1 |
Cutting Garden | 1 |
Cuz Pete | 1 |
David | 1 |
Elf | 1 |
er, not Brad | 1 |
GOD | 1 |
Heidi | 1 |
Jabba the Hutt | 1 |
karen m(who is this?) | 1 |
Karla’s lurking mother | 1 |
Kristina | 1 |
Leonardo | 1 |
Leroy Brown | 1 |
Mary Ragoss | 1 |
Mikea | 1 |
Mr.&Mrs. Brady | 1 |
Mr. Royuk | 1 |
Mrs. Sie Ming | 1 |
NE Dept of Ed | 1 |
Ned | 1 |
Pastor Hofman | 1 |
Paul | 1 |
Pfennig and Cricket | 1 |
Pfennig | 1 |
Poem judges | 1 |
Polar Bear Here | 1 |
Rachel S | 1 |
Really Annette | 1 |
Rev. Todd Peperkorn | 1 |
Ron (step-dad) | 1 |
Rosalynn Carter | 1 |
Sam Noel | 1 |
Santa | 1 |
Slanket Company | 1 |
Sommerer Sailor | 1 |
Steamy kitchen | 1 |
The Slanket Company | 1 |
Total | 3824 |
Well, what do you know. I was just noticing the huge number of comments on Brad’s Birthday Post and the huge number of comments on my Footnote Post. That made me wonder what other posts had a lot of comments, and the one that has the most comments is this post which happens to be the post I couldn’t find. The post with the last number of comments per person list. Thanks Peggy for kranking up the comment count so that I could find it seven months later.