Well, I was at a conference and Lloyd worked on installing video projectors in the classrooms at school all day and nobody thought to take a picture of anything. So…. since we’re dry for material, you people need to step up. Share with us some unpleasant task you’re dreading in the next few days. Big or small, one or all. I’ll go first: I have to clean the litter boxes (I still have three set up from vacation) and make some phone calls (I’m not good on the phone). What are you dreading?
Fish out of mineral water
Lloyd went to a surplus auction on Saturday, so I went along to run a few errands and try to get my bad haircut fixed. My plan was to NOT go to a Great Clips or Cost Cutters, but an actual place that does hair. The first place I tried was booked until late afternoon, so that was a no go. I drove around thinking that I needed to find a nice place, but in an out-of-the way location. I happened upon this little village-type shopping center where the clothing places had words like ‘upscale’ and ‘shoppe’ and ‘way-too-expensive-for-you’. Luckily, there was a hair place.
I take that back – it was a ‘Day Spa and Salon‘. I had a bad feeling walking up to the doors, and a worse feeling passing through them. It was obviously not a place for me. There I was in my t-shirt and capris – selected for their ability to get sweaty and dirty hauling auction stuff – and there were the ladies, all dolled up. I’ve never seen so much makeup, cleavage and highlights in one place. I stupidly asked, “Can I get a haircut?” There was a pause, then one girl said, “I could do it now….. if you don’t need it styled.” Ha! Not a problem.
She turned out to be very nice – a leader of her church’s youth group and an alto in their choir – and the whole time I was laughing inside and thinking, “Why didn’t I bring my camera??” I didn’t even let her blow dry it, which shocked her to the core. I explained that I was just going to be all sweaty and gross in an hour at the auction. I bet they wished I had snuck out the back door. I was bad advertising.
Highly Electable
Well, it turns out that I’m highly electable. Not only was I recently elected to be a Delegate to the Seward County Republican Convention. Note: If there are fewer than 2 people per precinct who register to be candidates their names do not actually appear on the ballot and they are just sort of “elected”.
I also happy to inform you that I have recently (yesterday evening) been elected as one of the four Seward County Delegates to the Nebraska State Republican Convention. NOTE: if there are fewer than 4 delegates elected to serve at the county convention then it’s pretty much a done deal that they will all get to go (there were only 3 of us).
There were only about two dozen people at the county convention including John Gale, our secretary of state, and Pete Ricketts who ran against Ben Nelson for Senate in 2006 but lost. After my “election” I was feeling bold so I nominated Mark Kolterman for chairman of the Seward County Republican Committee. He won. Then the jerk turned around and nominated me for secretary and I won. NOTE: there was not a lot of interest in the position (I was the only person nominated).
I’d like to think I was nominated because I expressed myself so eloquently when they asked all of the delegates to say something about their delegatality, but I’m pretty sure they just thought they could get the new guy to do it.
Lauren wants to contribute to her country, too, so she drew this in lieu of actually voting or anything.
Tooth Trouble
That’s not King Arthur’s sword – that’s a dental instrument. You see, I had braces as a teen, but as time went by my bottom teeth got all crooked again. A couple of years ago I went to the orthodontist and had braces put on the bottom teeth… again. (It involved dental slenderizing, so my mouth has lost quite a bit of weight.) When it was all said and done, they glued a wire across the back of my bottom front teeth to keep those puppies in line. My orthodontist said I should leave it on at least a year or two, but I could leave it on forever. I went with the latter.
Well, the glue has worn away on one end, so a bit of wire is poking out and bugging my tongue. Knowing how lazy I am, it will be months or weeks before I even call for an appointment to have it taken care of. I’ve taken to some home fix-it techniques, including a metal nail file, a Dremel (yeah, that was a bad idea), my keys, and a rock. They all had their advantages, but none really smoothed down that one pokey bit. Today I shelled out nine bucks for a glass nail file, which is abrasive all the way to the pointy part, and it did the trick. (I’m available for all home dentistry needs now.)
Mouth Cam:
Homemade Slanket
A while back I came across the wesite of the Slanket, an ingenious combination of a blanket with sleeves – perfect for keeping warm while lounging about, yet still keeping your arms free for reading or changing channels. I loved the idea so very, very much, but was unwilling to shell out the money for one. So, I decided to try to make my own out of cheap Wal-Mart throws. Turns out, I would really recommend buying one from the website, since the one I made looks like a blind person did it. The seams are all crooked and inside-out, and there are a bunch of tiny threads all over the material from when I had to rip a whole seam out, and the the little throws I bought to make them didn’t have enough fabric for the project. Ah, as the old saying goes, “God is in the details…. and Lauren’s making crap again.”
It is warm, though!
UPDATE: “Instructions!”