Friday night is the annual Trivia Night hosted by our school’s PTL. Tables of eight compete with 10 rounds of 10 questions (or as I like to call it, “One Hundred Things I Don’t Know”) while eating snacks and drinking drinks. That means Lloyd and I have to make food for other people, and you all know how skilled we are at that.
At Lloyd’s faculty party Matt Haden and his wife, Lindsey, brought Little Smokies Wrapped In Bacon And Baked With Brown Sugar, which were promptly inhaled by everyone. Lloyd was intrigued and immediately subscribed to their newsletter.
Lloyd asked Matt for the recipe, and at the risk of blabbing like the Bush’s Baked Beans dog, here it is:
1 package of Little Smokies
1 package of bacon (we usually get center cut)
Brown Sugar…
9×13 pan
Tin FoilInstructions:
Line the 9×13 pan with tin foil. (This will accelerate the cleaning process. Part of the tin foil might get stuck to the pan but it’s a lot easier to clean up than the mess without the tin foil.)Take one smoky and one piece of bacon, wrap the circumference of the smoky once, stab with a toothpick all the way through, cut off excess for the next smoky [here, Lloyd wondered aloud if it was the excess bacon or the excess toothpick], repeat until all smokies are fully wrapped. (I had about two inches of bacon left so I just stabbed it with a toothpick and put it in the pan with the rest.)
Shower the smokies with brown sugar. Your preference on how much you want to put on them. (We did add a little more brown sugar halfway through the cooking process.)
Bake until the bacon is fully cooked as I believe most smokies are pre-cooked…
P.S. Let me know what they think.
There is an alternate version of this recipe where you wrap the smokies in canned croissant strips and then put crushed walnuts in with the brown sugar. Our Kansas City friends called them Crack Weenies.
Lloyd and I made a little assembly line and got the little drops of heaven ready to pop in the oven tomorrow. As Lloyd wrapped them up he sang, “Anything Matt can do, I can do better…..”
Are you going to stand for that, Matt Haden? Are you?